Canadian Senior and Intermediate
Mathematics Contests
Contest Date: November 23, 2017
The Canadian Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests (CSMC and CIMC) are two contests designed to give students the opportunity to have fun and to develop their mathematical problem solving ability.
Students in Grades 10 or 9 or below (CIMC) and senior secondary school and CÉGEP students (CSMC); motivated students in lower grades are also encouraged to write these contests.
9 questions; 6 are answer only and 3 are full solution
marks for full solution questions assigned for form and style of presentation
2 hours
60 total marks
Mathematical Content
Most of the CIMC problems are based on the mathematical curriculum up to and including Grade 10. Most of the CSMC problems are based on the mathematical curriculum up to and including the final year of secondary school.
Results and Recognition
The results booklet and averages and award cutoffs are posted online.
Teachers will be able to access their students' results and generate certificates.
Registration deadline: November 3, 2017